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Socure: Redefining Excellence


Unmatched Accuracy for Unparalleled Results

  • Automatically verify up to 98% of new customers across all ages and demographics
  • Reduce fraud by up to 95%
  • Reduce manual reviews by up to 90%
  • Tap into the industry-leading consortium network of 2,400+ top enterprises across all verticals to detect new fraud patterns in real-time

1090x720 Career Leadership

Fast & Seamless Integration

  • Integrate Socure’s platform in just a few hours with two lines of code
  • Deliver 11 products through a single API
  • Get support from best-in-class technical resources
  • Access intuitive and user-friendly manual review dashboards

Trusted by 2,400+ Top Enterprises

Socure’s industry-leading ID+ platform integrates seamlessly with a single API and is trusted by top financial institutions, government agencies, and enterprises.

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Create new revenue streams with value-added customer solutions that leverage Socure's expertise.

Digital goods delivery

Enhance current applications to give customers access to online data from Socure; batch and fraud analytics solutions developed into existing products.

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Integration Partners

Provide best-in-class fraud and identity verification solutions to your platform customers by integrating with Socure.

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Sponsor Banks

Ensure your fintech/partner programs launch financial services with Socure, the leading provider of digital identity verification and fraud solutions.

Identity Starts Here

No matter who your customers are, Socure can help you enable safe and seamless digital onboarding while stopping fraud.

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Financial Services

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Online Gaming

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Public Sector

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Buy Now Pay Later

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E-Commerce Marketplace

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