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May 20 – May 22, 2024

Hutton Hotel, Nashville, TN

Monday, May 20

5:00 - 7:00 PM | Welcome and Networking Reception

Analog Music Center (located in Hutton Hotel)

Tuesday, May 21

8:00 - 8:10 AM | The Human Face of Identity Crimes

Welcome from Eva Velasquez; ITRC President and CEO

8:10 - 8:55 AM | Fireside Chat

Max Brooks, bestselling author and West Point Modern War Institute fellow, brings his expertise on battlefield creativity to the fight against identity fraud. He’ll kick off the Identivation Summit by exploring why creativity is just as crucial in the digital battleground. His insights will pave the way for a collaborative discussion on establishing a national framework for equitable and trusted digital identity.


  • Matthew Thompson, Socure SVP/GM Government

8:55 - 9:15 AM | Modernizing Digital Identity

Welcome from Johnny Ayers; Socure CEO and Founder

9:20 - 9:40 AM | ITRC Survey Results

ITRC will unveil the findings from their latest research project, delving into consumer experiences with application and identity verification processes. The research will shed light on the challenges consumers face when proving their identity.


  • James E. Lee, ITRC COO

9:40 - 10:00 AM | Meet Our Keynote Speakers

Josh Gottheimer, Representative running for reelection to New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District, will highlight the bipartisan initiative that began under his leadership to foster information sharing between public and private sector participants to track and combat identity fraud. His message sets the stage to unite public sector and financial service leaders for an important discussion on creating safeguards to protect America’s future from financial crime, reduce the number of identity fraud victims, and elevate trusted identity as a national infrastructure priority.


  • Jennifer Kerber, Socure Senior Director, Government Relations

10:00 - 10:30 AM | Are Identity Crimes Victimless Crimes?

Too often law enforcement and government agencies fail to recognize victims of identity attacks as true crime victims. That skews data and makes it even more difficult to assess and prevent the problem. How do we effect change to lessen the impact on victims?


  • Eva Velasquez, ITRC President and CEO


  • Michael Boutros, Federal Trade Commission Attorney
  • Damon Mosler, San Diego County Deputy District Attorney (retired)
  • Kimberly Poyer, FBI Victims Services Section Chief

10:50 - 11:30 AM | Identity Attacks as a National Threat

Imagine international street gangs wielding the power of generative AI to unleash identity attacks at scale. This is our alarming reality. This session will quantify the real-world threat with national-level data and offer offensive strategies for bank and public sector identity teams to tackle these evolving, widespread attacks in everyday operations.


  • Jordan Burris, Socure VP Public Sector Strategy


  • Heather Dunahoo, U.S. GAO Assistant Director Forensic Audits and Investigative Service
  • Josh Fruth, Former U.S. Army Intel and AML and Counter Threat Finance Expert
  • Carole House, Former White House National Security Committee Cybersecurity and Digital Innovation Director
  • Matt O’Neill, Former Secret Service

11:35 - 12:15 PM | Ending the Era of the Digital Ghost

Bias in identity disproportionately blocks entire demographics from access to financial and public services. But the conversation doesn’t stop there. During this session, leaders will explore innovative ways to create a truly inclusive system, ensuring both robust security and equitable access for all. Be part of the movement where digital identity is a bridge, not a barrier.


  • Debra Geister, Socure VP Compliance


  • Prav Chandrasekaran, Varo Money BSA Officer
  • James E. Lee, ITRC COO
  • Josh Linn, Socure SVP ML Product Management and GM Regtech/UX

1:20 - 1:40 PM | Fireside Chat - Giving Away the Farm: How Our Most Critical Documents Fuel Identity Scams

A consumer’s highest value physical assets – real estate and land – are still transferred through paper documentation without robust digital identity verification processes. Fraudster prey on this open attack surface. Each incident can equate to hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses. Tackling these challenges requires a collaboration between public agencies, financial institutions, and technology providers.


  • Johnny Ayers, Socure CEO and Founder


  • Pat Kinsel, Proof (formerly Notarize) CEO and Founder
  • Ben Wallace, Summit Group CEO

1:40 - 2:20 PM | The Balancing Act: Consumer Protection vs. Fraud Prevention

The financial landscape is in flux. Emerging consumer protection laws can create unintended consequences that hinder the development of trusted identity strategies, leaving consumers vulnerable to sophisticated identity fraud and scams. Join this conversation where we’ll delve into bridging the gap between regulation and innovation.


  • James Ruotolo, SAS Senior Director US Commercial Customer Advisory


  • Ambar Chavez, Socure Principal Product, Privacy, and Regulatory Counsel
  • Ricky Davis, Synchrony SVP Chief Privacy Officer and Cyber Security Counsel
  • Jennifer Ehresman, Bank of America Head of Client Protection

2:20 - 3:00 PM | Unlocking Secure and Seamless Service Delivery: Strategies for Digital Portals

State and federal governments are rapidly adopting digital portals for citizen services, offering convenience but raising security, privacy, and technology concerns. This panel will explore the risks and rewards of digital service delivery, examining best practices, and innovative solutions to enhance user experience and mitigate risk.


  • Neil Galluci, Socure Senior Public Sector Solution Consultant


  • Abhishek Goel, Deloitte and Touche, LLP Cyber Risk Services Managing Director
  • Jerry Jones, State of Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration COO
  • Stacey Mainero, Fraud Head
  • Katy Ruckle, State of Washington Chief Privacy Officer

3:00 - 3:20 PM | The FinCEN Identity Project

Join us as we unlock the findings of FinCEN’s landmark report on identity-related activity in SARs. This groundbreaking analysis exposes $212 billion in identity attacks within the financial system in just one year. We’ll delve into the report’s key takeaways, including the most prevalent typologies exploited by criminals, the impact on different financial institutions, and critical trends demanding immediate attention.


  • Sean Evans, FinCEN Lead Cyber Analyst

3:45 - 4:25 PM | Redefining Identity Regulations in an AI World

For years, US businesses and institutions have relied on a limited set of data points to validate identities. While this streamlines compliance, it may also create a security gap for financial and identity crime, inadvertently blocking access to services. Leading experts will discuss expanding current practices to achieve more robust, holistic identity verification.


  • Debra Geister, Socure VP Compliance


  • Kevin Gormley, Stash Head of Financial Crime
  • Scott Nathan, Citi Managing Director and Head of Global AML Risk
  • Kay Turner, FinCEN Chief Digital Identity Advisor

4:25 - 4:55 PM | Diary of an Identity Theft Victim

Identity crimes come in many forms. Two victims share their stories of how anyone can fall victim and their path to recovery.


  • Eva Velasquez, ITRC President and CEO


  • Linda Matchan, Boston Globe Correspondent
  • Janna Herron, Yahoo Finance Reporter

4:55 - 5:00 PM | Day #1 Recap

Eva Velasquez; ITRC President and CEO

6:30 - 8:30 PM | Evening Reception

Johnny Cash Bar & BBQ

Wednesday, May 22

8:00 - 8:20 AM | The Value of Public, Private, and Non-Profit Collaboration

Welcome from Matthew Thompson; Socure SVP, GM Government

8:20 - 9:00 AM | When Prevention and Detection is Not Enough: Working Together to Support Victims

In 2023, President Biden issued a presidential planning document that directed federal agencies to work directly with the private sector and the non-profit community to enhance and improve support for identity crime victims. But, what is needed and how could that be accomplished?


  • James E. Lee, ITRC COO


  • John Breyault, National Consumers League VP Public Policy
  • Claire Carnero, American Express Director
  • Andy Stettner, US Department of Labor Director of UI Modernization
  • Eva Velasquez, ITRC President and CEO

9:00 - 9:40 AM | Hiding in Plain Sight: How Stolen PII Fuels Devastating Crime

How do your users’ identities and their account details end up for sale on the dark web? Join industry experts to dissect the latest methods for stealing PII and the horrifying crimes it enables—from financial ruin to human trafficking. Learn how you can fortify your defenses to protect your users, safeguard your institution, and ensure compliance.


  • Travis Jarae, Liminal CEO


  • James E. Lee, ITRC COO
  • Yigit Yildirim, Socure SVP, Data & AI

9:40 - 10:20 AM | Rise of the Identity Hub: A Central Strategy for Cross-Enterprise Defense

Today, many enterprise banks and large public sector agencies do not have a 360° view of identity across every line of business. These silos between fraud and AML teams and between lines of business lead to vulnerabilities for attack, as well as investigation shortfalls. Identity hub strategies that unify the view of identity across the organization are beginning to emerge to make an impact and reduce the pain. Hear from those already in the trenches making change.


  • Rivka Little, Socure Chief of Staff


  • Pablo Abreu, Socure Chief Product and Analytics Officer
  • Ben Austin, Capital One VP Consumer Identity
  • Jeff Crawford, Citi Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Threats
  • Brett Shewey, US Bank VP Identity Fraud Innovation

10:40 - 11:10 AM | Batting the Scam Economy, Part I: The Role of the Federal Government

Losses resulting from identity-related scams are measured in the billions of dollars, with the average impact to individuals and institutions continuing to climb. In this session, senior government officials discuss what they are doing to improve identity verification and reduce fraud.


  • Eva Velasquez, ITRC President and CEO


  • Anne Shere Wallwork, U.S. Treasury Senior Counselor for Strategic Policy, Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Office
  • Ryan Galluzzo, NIST Digital Identity Program Lead and Co-Lead of Accelerate Digital Identities on Mobile Devices Program

11:10 - 11:40 AM | Battling the Scam Economy, Part II: The Role of Financial Institutions

The current approach to approving financial transactions often overlooks a crucial detail: every scam relies on a “receiving” criminal backed by a mule account to facilitate the receipt of stolen funds. How can we unmask the hidden “receiver” that fuels the scam economy to disrupt this vicious cycle of fraud?


  • Eric Woodward, Socure Senior Advisor


  • Blythe Anne Figurelle, Bank of America SVP, Client Protection Experience and Advocacy
  • Steve Bufferd, JP Morgan Chase Managing Director, Payments
  • Stav Gil, Dave VP Platforms and Operations

11:40 - 12:20 PM | First-Party Fraud: The $100 Billion Blind Spot

The US has a $100 billion first-party fraud problem with impact across banks and public sector agencies. Most first-party fraudsters are repeat offenders and intentionally manipulate identity, leaving institutions to become sitting ducks. Further impact? These attacks dilute the ability to tackle third-party and synthetic fraud. Just as the challenge is identity-related—so is the remedy.


  • Ori Snir, Socure Head of Product, Sigma and Risk


  • Mandy Goettelman, Green Dot SVP, Head of Transformation
  • Pradeep Vallanur Ramesh, Discover VP Fraud Risk Management
  • Jeff Shultz, Socure VP Public Sector Solution Consulting

12:20 - 12:30 PM | Closing


  • Eva Velasquez, ITRC President and CEO
  • Matthew Thompson, Socure SVP, GM Government

12:30 - 1:30 PM | Networking Lunch